Take advantage of your air conditioning with these secret modes that you don't know about

Take advantage of your air conditioning with these secret modes that you don't know about

Take advantage of your air conditioning with these secret modes that you don't know about

Air conditioning becomes the best ally of the days and nights during the summer, especially in heat waves. However, once installed, very few people know how to make the most of it, both to spend less and to cool more. If you want to improve its performance, take note of the different modes and more interesting options.


More than secret ways, what really happens is that we don't know how an air conditioner works. We are satisfied with changing the cold or heat mode, modifying the temperature and moving the blades so that the air is directed to different areas. However, to get better performance in hot weather, there are certain tricks that you should learn.

ECO Mode

Eco mode, also known as energy saving, is essential to cool the house or office for several hours. If the air conditioning is going to stay on for a long time, it is best to put this mode so that the electricity bill does not have a brutal increase.


But is this mode still cooling? Yes, but at a lower power. It does this by efficiently using the compressor and fan so that it consumes less energy, but still cools the room. In fact, the Eco mode also determines a standard temperature (about 24 or 25º) so that the air conditioning does not cool at a low temperature and spends less.


However, each air conditioner is different. Some will moderate the power, while others will turn off and on automatically when your thermometer detects that the indicated temperature has been reached. Also, although it seems that it takes longer to cool down, you will be spending less energy than if we put it on full power.

Sleep Mode

Setting the air timer to automatically turn off at night won't be enough to save and cool at the same time. For this, many models include a mode called Sleep or Night, designed so that the bill does not increase and the temperature of the room is automatically regulated.


However, this mode is not recommended during the day (although it is cheap). Keep in mind that the outside temperature at night is much lower, so the air conditioning has less work to work to cool any room. It is estimated that with this Sleep mode, the air will cool 0.5 or 1 degree per hour, enough so that you will not be woken by the wind.


To take even more advantage of the night mode, some air conditioners have the option of turning off the light of the device so that it does not disturb during the night. So not only will you hear less noise, but you won't be disturbed by light in the room either.

Turbo Mode

It is not strange to put the Turbo mode when we get home and notice that the temperature is too high. We think this mode will cool any room faster, as opposed to simply setting the cool mode to the lowest temperature.


Its operation is very easy, since it circulates the air quickly so that the temperature drops in the shortest possible time. Therefore, this mode is not permanent and after a certain time it is automatically removed. Arguably the air works at its maximum performance for a few minutes and then returns to normal mode. Therefore, it is important not to abuse it several times in a row.


The ideal would be to combine it with the Eco mode so that once a large part of the room has cooled down, the air conditioning continues to work more slowly to lower the temperature. This way we will save more energy than if we leave the Cold mode on all morning.

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